Sports Massage

Sports massage delivers a number of physical, physiological and psychological benefits for everyone, from individuals with physically demanding jobs to casual sports players through to professional athletes.

At Hyde Barker Health, fully insured Level 3 Sports Massage Therapist Lucy Smith provides effective sports massage which targets stiff, irritated tissue with precise techniques to increase blood flow, encourage healing and restore movement.

Sports massage is a massage therapy approach that helps to iron out pains and strains, promote sporting performance, having a more definite physical objective and scientific approach in comparison to traditional massage. As well as helping the body to recover from injuries, a course of sports massage therapy plays a role within any athlete or sportsperson’s long-term injury prevention strategy.

Whilst sports massage is often used to help athletes and active sportspersons to perform at their best, it’s also very beneficial for those who experience discomfort and tension in their bodies caused by everyday stresses. Every massage is entirely unique to your needs, and the techniques Lucy will use depend entirely on your needs and injury history.

Lucy has numerous qualifications including a degree in Sports Science Training and a Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing. Being a former elite GBR triathlete, national runner and swimmer, Lucy has always been interested in and understands the importance of performance. Lucy has had over 5 years of valuable experience providing massage to a range of clientele, from non-sportspersons to elite athletes.

Contact Lucy to book your sports massage appointment

Lucy Smith

Sports Massage Therapist